Monthly Archives: September 2013

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This morning, earlier than I ever get up, I stepped outside.  And out of my comfort zone.  Today I did the first workout for the C25K program.  Yesterday I downloaded the app and talked hubby into being my partner.  Not a tough sell, thankfully.

I am NOT a runner.  Which is why it’s strange that for months I’ve been thinking it’d be nice to be able to run a 5k.  I have no idea WHY I think that.  But it’s been eating at me. 

I realized that if I ever actually, you know, WANT to RUN that 5k I should probably do more than think about it. 

And today I did.  I honestly was worried about running for a full minute, multiple times, but I did.  THAT feels kind of good.

Three days a week for eight weeks.  Twenty-four sessions. 

Ready, set, go….


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